By Bus
In Hue there are 15 buses on seven routes including Thuan An – Phu Vang, An Lo – the Northern Bus Station, city center, the Northern Bus Station – Phu Bai Industry, the Southern Bus Station – Phu Bai with the frequency of 30 to 60 minutes per trip.
Two routes are in the experimental progress include Bao Vinh- Thuy Bieu and Phu Hau – Huong Ho. The price range is from 3.000 VND to 5.000 VND and buses run from 5 A.M to 18 P.M daily depending on routes.
There are also taxis, motorbikes and cyclos always available here. Specially, bicycles are readily available and cheap in Hue where you can ride your bike nearly everywhere except the Forbidden City; just remember to lock it carefully.
In addition, scooters rental are also available with the price range from $8 to $10. License will not be checked or required, you need only your passport to discover the charming Hue on your own.