Refund & cancellation

indochina value travel

Cancellation and refund
No one wishes to cancel the trip after having planned for months or years in advance. However, things can happen that can not foresee. In case of cancellation, Indochinavalue will not impose any charges if we are not being charged by our suppliers, but if our suppliers apply charges for cancellation, our clients will have to pay those charges that applied. Cancellation policies vary, depending upon the type of service, the time of year, and the reason for cancellation. We will send you all details of charged services with our transparent reply upon demand.

At Indochinavalue travel, things are flexible. We will make changes if you wish, but changes must be made when possible and there is no additional cost. If the changes causes extra costs, our clients will have to pay for.

Force Majeure
In case of Force Majeure, Indochinavalue shall not be responsible for, but will make our best efforts to solve as quickly as possible the effects of Force Majeure for the best of our clients. For examples, we will change the tour itinerary, flight schedules, hotels and have alternative options in case of bad weather during your Vietnam travel.

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