Laos cuisine is different from other cuisines in the Southeast Asian region. Originally coming from somewhere in the north part of China, Laos cuisine experienced many changes as Lao people immigrated into neighboring areas where Thailand and Vietnam were located.
1. Tap water is not drinkable. Only bottled water is a safe access to clean water.
2. Eat only well-done meat and avoid having contaminated food.
3. Lao people use fingers to eat sticky rice. Fork and spoon are for normal rice dishes while chopsticks are use when having noodles.
4. Lao cuisine is the special you should not miss. But if you are more homesick with western food, Lao has it offered in all the main tourist centers.
5. Tipping is not commonly practiced in Laos. Usually in fancy restaurants, 10% of the bill will be added as service charge.
6. Street food looks tempting, but that might give you enough MSG in return for the rest of your life.
7. Should you have questions, turn to your tour guide who is pleased to help.